Write a C++ program that overloads the + operator and relational operators (suitable) to perform the following operations:
- Concatenation of two strings.
2. Comparison of two strings.
#include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; class con { char str1[50],str2[20]; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter the two strings"<<endl; cin>>str1; cin>>str2; } con operator +(con b) { strcat(b.str1,b.str2); return b; } void display() { cout<<str1<<endl; } con operator ==(con b) { if(strcmp(b.str1,b.str2)==0) { cout<<"Equal"; } else { cout<<"Not Equal"; } } }; int main() { con a,b,c; b.getdata(); b=a+(b); b.display(); b=a==(b); }