This program will take the input from user and withdraw/deposit the amount as per the liking of the user.
#include<iostream> #include<math.h> #include<strings.h> using namespace std; class bank { char n[100]; char actp[100]; int accn; int bal; int dep; int wit; public: void getdata(); void display(); void withdraw(); void deposit(); }; int main() { int a,balance=12555; bank b1; cout<<"Hello! Please choose an option from the menu"<<endl<<"1. Deposit"<<endl<<"2. Withdraw"<<endl<<"3. Balance Inquiry"<<endl<<"4. Your info."<<endl; cin>>a; switch(a) { case 1: { b1.deposit(); break; } case 2: { b1.withdraw(); break; } case 3: { cout<<"Your current balance is "<<balance; break; } case 4: { b1.getdata(); b1.display(); break; } default: { cout<<"You have entered an invalid option! Please try again later.."; } } } void bank::getdata() { strcpy(n,"Shubham"); strcpy(actp,"Saving"); accn=001452; bal=12555; } void bank::display() { cout<<"Your name is "<<n<<endl<<"Your Account type is "<<actp<<endl<<"Your Account Number is "<<accn<<endl<<"Your Current Balance is "<<bal; } void bank::deposit() { accn=001452; bal=12555; cout<<"Enter the amount you want to deposit in your account."<<endl; cin>>dep; cout<<"Your current balance is "<<dep+bal<<" now!"<<endl; } void bank::withdraw() { accn=001452; bal=12555; cout<<"Enter the amount you want to withdraw from your account."<<endl; cin>>wit; if(bal-wit<2000) cout<<"Your current balance is "<<bal<<" and no balance has been withdrawn since you need to maintain minimum 2000 balance."<<endl; else cout<<"Your current balance is "<<bal-wit<<"!"; }
Great website good work!
Thanks bro 😉