This program will take a number as input from user and will display the number of prime numbers in the range starting from 0 to the number entered by user.
Also, it will be the sum of the prime numbers in that range.
We will be displaying program which is compatible with Dev C++.
You can download dev c++ from here
Program Code:
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int a,b,c,d,e=6; cout<<"Enter the number upto which you want to display prime numbers in that range & to find their sum.\n"; cin>>a; cout<<"Prime numbers in the entered range are 1,2,3"; for(c=4;c<=a;c++) { for(d=2;d<c;d++) { if(c%d==0) { break; } if(d==c-1) { cout<<","<<c; e=e+c; break; } } } cout<<"\nThe sum of prime numbers in range of "<<a<<" is "<<e; getch(); }